ScriptFlow for macOS and iOS, is helper tools to keep your code snippets on iCloud , simple and lightweight code snippets manager made for developers with ease of use.
Quiver is a notebook built for programmers. It lets you easily mix text, code and Markdown within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor, live preview Markdown and LaTeX cells, and find any note instantly via the full-text search.
quiver is a notebook built for programmers. it lets you easily mix text, code and markdown within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor, live preview markdown and latex cells, and find any note instantly via the fulltext search.
mix text, code and markdown
a note in quiver is comprised of cells snippets of text, code, markdown or latex. you can freely mix different cell types within one note. you can set different languages for different code cells, too.
edit in place
whether you are writing code or text, editing is always made inplace. there is no mode switching in quiver. you just click inside the editor and start typing.
an awesome code editor
the programmer's notebook should make code editing effortless. quiver packs the awesome ace code editor in code cells, with syntax highlighting support for more than 110 languages, over 20 themes, automatic indent and outdent, and much more.
markdown support
quiver lets you write in markdown with inline formatting and custom css options. a live preview window renders markdown as you type.
latex support
quiver has builtin latex support (thanks to mathjax), so it’s easy to include beautifully typeset mathematical equations in your notes.
images, files and links
drag an image into a text cell and it will be saved locally with the note. drag a file into a text cell and it will become a clickable file link. urls in text cells are automatically detected.
instant fulltext search
notes are only useful if you can find them quickly. quiver's fulltext search is based on search kit, the same technology used to power spotlight on your mac. that's how quiver can search through thousands of notes in a blink of an eye.
two beautiful ui themes
quiver comes with two beautifully designed ui themes: a light theme and a dark theme.
live preview
quiver supports live preview of markdown and latex cells.
MarkDown support Sync with Dropbox Support for LaTeX Syntax Highlighting Full text search Live Preview Code formatting
Productivity Developer Tools Business and Commerce Backup and Sync
markdown-support markdown-editor dropbox-sync latex-support syntax-highlighting full-text-search code-editor code-snippet-manager live-preview developer-tools code-snippets code-formatting