The Best 77 Quick School Alternatives
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Silverpoint SchoolSuite
Independent school websites should be a nexus of the school's communication. These sites are complex information systems, which are often dependent on legacy...
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Web school is a web bsed system that will help you systematize the running of schools and make it far more efficient in the process.
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AES School App
AES school app is a single app that acts as bridge between parents and teachers. It helps teachers to do all technical things related to school quite easily. Also it...
0 Like helps in controlling the working and functionality of your institution. It also strengthens the bond between students, teachers, parents, management and...
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EMPOWER Student Information System allows you to manage your student data through every phase of the student life cycle. - Recruiting & Admissions - Records...
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Maestro SIS
Maestro SIS - a web-based Student Information System Software for single schools or colleges needing a customized solution.
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OpenEMIS School
OpenEMIS is a generic and open source Education Management Information System (EMIS) designed to collect and report data on education systems.
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PenPencilEraser offer complete Online ERP school management software system to manage school administration works like Attendance management, Fee reports, Performance...
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PowerSchool is the fastest-growing, most widely used web-based student information system, supporting more than 8.5 million students in 50 states and over 50 countries....
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Smart School Management System (SSMS)
GBC Smart school management system is simple administration software, easy to use school administration system that helps schools to automate various critical operations...
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Spiral Universe
Spiral is an integrated software suite used by schools to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve their management and administration. Our platform is designed to...
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Sycamore Education
Sycamore Education has been a leader in cloud-based Student Information Systems for schools for over 12 years. The dynamic nature of this online application allows us to...
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ThinkWave Administrator
Online school management system with integrated gradebook and grades online for students and parents.
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EducationStack offers a complete school management software solution to institutes for automating their administration processes, building their online presence.