Welcome to the school of rock. A Mac-sized practice space. Your own recording studio. If you want to learn to play an instrument, write music, or record a song, GarageBand can help — whether you’re a rookie or a rock star.
Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework.
qtractor is an audio/midi multitrack sequencer application written in c++ with the qt framework. target platform is linux, where the jack audio connection kit (jack) for audio, and the advanced linux sound architecture (alsa) for midi, are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairlyfeatured linux desktop audio workstation gui, specially dedicated to the personal homestudio.
qtractor is free, opensource software, distributed under the terms of the gnu general public license (gpl) version 2 or later.
Support for VST plugins Audio editing
Productivity Developer Tools Education and Reference Audio and Music
digital-audio-workstation vst-plugins-support audio-editor ladspa-plugins-support dssi-plugins-support