TribeScale is a startup that aims to enhance teamwork in companies through the improvement of communication, coordination, and the pace on the basis of targets set.
qiscus organizes your work discussions into rooms and topics to help your team become more efficient and productive.
qiscus is a messaging system designed to mimic working environments by allowing users to structure their teams or projects in roombased discussion system thereby removing the need for other communication tools such as emails, messaging or video chat.
features of qiscus
familiar and simple messaging interface first
instead of phone numbers, qiscus connects via email allowing users to separate work and personal communications. the familiar interface makes it easy for users of all levels to use qiscus. text centric system ensures maximum information transfer with minimum data bandwidth anywhere in the world.
group your discussions into different companies and create several private rooms for different teams. this enables you to interact with different companies and teams without mixing up your conversations.
organize your team discussions based on topics. so you can discuss on multiple things concurrently with the same group of people. no more messy singlethread discussions!
ensure that you do not miss important messages which are meant for you; they are now clearly listed for you in the ‘mentions’ tab. click on a mention and you will be brought directly to the exact topic where your attention is needed.
enables you to share files and documents via the chatting interface itself. everything shared are neatly arranged based on the topics. so you can think of qiscus’ topics as a kind of shared folder containing not just files but your discussions as well!
Official Website
Video calling Group chat Team Collaboration Integrated File Sharing
Productivity Social Business and Commerce File Sharing Backup and Sync
file-sharing chat-clients instant-messaging video-calling video-chat video-conferencing note-taking group-chat project-management task-management chat-rooms team-collaboration software-as-a-service integrated-file-sharing document-sharing client-management