Understand exactly how you spend your time and attention, with no data entry. Get Smarter with Effortless Time Tracking With no data entry, know exactly what software and sites you’re actively using.
Mac time tracking automation: freelance project tracking, timesheets, invoicing & productivity feedback.
qbserve provides everything you need for seamless time tracking of your work hours or freelance projects:
– automatic productivity tracking for websites and apps– automatic project tracking based on opened documents and web pages– invoice generation– realtime performance feedback and notifications– various reports and timesheets– scheduled data export– slack team and skype chat tracking– many flexible settings to fit your needs
there is no subscription and all the tracked information is stored locally.
Official Website
Automated usage tracking Automatic time tracking Track Activities
Productivity Business and Commerce Travel and Location
project-management time-management productivity-tool time-tracking project-tracking automated-usage-tracking automatic-time-tracking freelancing timesheet timesheets time-tracking-software invoice-creator invoice-generator time-tracking-tool track-activities freelance-work invoice-templates timing