SRWare Iron
srware iron, or simply iron, is a fork of the free and open-source web browser chromium , of which google chrome is a fork of.
Pyrope is a browser based on Lineage OS/Cyanogenmod browser (Gello) and Chromium / swe. A fast, smooth and safe web surfing experience on your Android device. ...
pyrope is a browser based on lineage os/cyanogenmod browser (gello) and chromium / swe. a fast, smooth and safe web surfing experience on your android device.
• web refiner filters advertisments for a cleaner and faster browsing experience• incognito mode search in private with incognito mode, pyrope will not record your history and cookies• power saving mode improve battery life by restricting performance and certain functions• night mode inverted colors to rest your eyes• immersive mode – make the browser fullscreen• background audio video content can continue playing audio even when the browser is not active in foreground• edge navigation navigate webpages by right swiping the left edge to go forward, left swiping the right edge to go back• looklock (prevent all the other apps to see / read the webview content)• dynamic notification bar status bar and navigation bar colour basing on the icon of the website you're visiting, providing a stunning visual experience. • advanced webpage sharing (share page screenshot and link instead of link only)• save webpages for offline reading
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srware iron, or simply iron, is a fork of the free and open-source web browser chromium , of which google chrome is a fork of.
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firefox nightly is the development (alpha) release channel of mozilla firefox . firefox nightly gets a new version every day.
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gnuzilla is the gnu version of the mozilla suite, and gnu icecat is the gnu version of the mozilla firefox browser. its main advantage is an ethical one: it is entirely free software.
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A Google Chromium variant for removing Google integration and enhancing privacy, control, and transparency.
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One of the smallest, fastest Android web browsers around. It is a high-performance small-sized Internet browser built for those who don't want the cumbersome size of Firefox or Chromium. It is based off the Android WebKit Engine.
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opera next releases, updated every couple of weeks, give you the latest refinements to the opera browser.
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Min is a smarter, open-source web browser. FEATURES Built-in ad blocking Min lets you decide whether you want to see ads or not.
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CM (Clean Master) Browser is an ultra lightweight mobile browser which can protect you from malicious threats and still give you rapid browsing speed.
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