ProcessWire is a friendly and powerful open source CMS and CMF with an exceptionally strong foundation.
PyroCMS is an easy to use, powerful, and modular CMS and development platform built with Laravel 5. Driver-based file management seamlessly integrated with Laravel.
pyrocms is an easy to use, powerful, and modular cms and development platform built with laravel 5.
driverbased file management seamlessly integrated with laravel.the files module provides a seamless interface for managing your assets. seamless integration with laravel allows you to use laravel's filesystem and manage them within the files module.
integration with laravel filesystem. store your files anywhere with storage extensions. automatically manipulate and optimize image output.
powerful and easy to use page management.the pages module let's you easily manage pages and generate navigation using powerful content types powered by streams.
page types let you create content how you want it. automate powerful navigation from page structure. powerful layouts and templating based on twig. control page ui and response handling with custom handlers.
create immersive posts to engage your audience.the posts module is a simple but powerful system to manage your news, blog, pressreleases, and more.
post types let you create content how you want it. work now and schedule it's release for later. powerful layouts and templating based on twig.
powerful user and authorization management.the users module makes it easy to manage users, roles, and permissions. a lightout approach to permissions makes it easy to hide features and functionality from users without access.
customizable user profiles. painless permissions management. user can belong to multiple roles. customizable registration flows.
powerful grouped variable management.the variables module let's you use streams to manage content variables for anything you need.
variable groups help separate concerns. powerful variable content powered by field types.
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cms framework laravel codeigniter expression-engine laravel-based