Ant Renamer
Ant Renamer is a free (really free, i.e. the source code is available) program that makes easier the renaming of lots of files and folders by using specified settings. It supports Unicode names.
pyRenamer is a batch renamer for GTK desktops. With pyRenamer you can change the name of several files at the same time easily. * You can use patterns to rename files. * You can use search & replace to rename files.
pyrenamer is a batch renamer for gtk desktops. with pyrenamer you can change the name of several files at the same time easily.
* you can use patterns to rename files.* you can use search & replace to rename files.* you can use common substitutions.* you can manually rename selected files.* you can rename images using their metadata.* you can rename music using its metadata.
it is written using pygtk for the gnome desktop, altought it will work in any pygtk enabled environment (kde, xfce, even windows), and its licensed under the gpl.
Batch rename files Search and replace
Productivity Phots and Graphics File Management
Discontinued batch-file-renamer rename-files search-and-replace file-renamer