The Best 6 PublishMonster Alternatives

  • Wattpad

    Wattpad is now the worlds most popular ebook community where readers and writers discover, share and connect. Delivering billions of pages from our library, Wattpad is one of the worlds largest collection of originally-created ebooks.

    Free Android iPhone iPad Web Blackberry Windows Phone Java Mobile S60

  • LitHive

    Place to publish, publicize, and talk about books with both readers and other publishing professionals.

    Freemium Web

  • Foboko

    Foboko is a service that offers free ebooks as well as an online service for writing ebooks and publishing them.

    Free Web

  • SmashWords

    Affordable formatting for inclusion in Premium Catalog for SmashWords and Kindle Direct Publishing. A service for formatting public domain titles is also available.

    Freemium Web

  • BookBaby

    BookBaby digitally distributes the works of independent authors, poets, memoirists, and publishers, making their eBooks available on Apple’s iBookstore in all the...

    Commercial Web