Storage Made Easy
The SME Enterprise File Share and Sync Solution provides a comprehensive control and management solution to enable secure cloud collaboration across data points for corporations.
This utility securely generates a S3 Signed URL. You can send someone this link to allows them to upload a file to S3 without requiring you to creating them an IAM account or give them credentials. This method uses native AWS APIs.
this utility securely generates a s3 signed url. you can send someone this link to allows them to upload a file to s3 without requiring you to creating them an iam account or give them credentials. this method uses the getsignedurl method provided by aws.
once you generate the url, ether send the signed url and a link to this app. or send a single combined link.
the max file size supported is 5 gb.
you are a consultant and need a way of uploading a file securely to a clients account. say if your client didn't provide you with something like dropbox.
want to upload a file from another pc to s3 but do not want to log into aws account or transfer your keys to the machine.
Productivity Backup and Sync File Management
file-upload amazon-s3 file-transfer file-tools s3-file-manager