Matador - Stock Trading with Friends
Matador for iPhone and iPad enables you to make and share investments, become inspired by fellow traders and learn more about the stock market.
Protrader is a professional multi-asset trading platform that offers trading environment on all major markets including forex, options, stocks, futures and CFDs.
protrader as a multiasset trading platform can be used by banks, brokerages, hedgefunds for their retail business. it is highly suitable for end users such as day traders, scalpers, algorithmic traders.
the company offers globally this b2b solution since 2003. protrader enables brokers to customize the platform easily to align with any business model and benefit from: multiaccount management (mam) fund management module real time risk management flexible revenue model sales/account management soap api for integration with internal crm system website comprehensive reporting integration with more than 40 liquidity providers (ecns, brokers, exchanges and banks).
Official Website
Automated Trading Futures trading Options trading
Productivity Business and Commerce
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