django CMS
django CMS is an Enterprise CMS built with Django and one of the most active open-source projects in the Django ecosystem.
ProcessWire is a friendly and powerful open source CMS and CMF with an exceptionally strong foundation.
processwire is a friendly and powerful open source cms and cmf with an exceptionally strong foundation. with all custom fields, an easytouse jqueryinspired api, and a powerful page selector engine, processwire will rise to any task.
clients love processwire for its nofuss simplicity and ease of use when editing their site. designers and developers love processwire for its thoughtful, easy and powerful apidriven approach that keeps them in control of the markup and makes development fun again. not to mention, processwire's api can also be booted from other applications or commandline scripts, bringing entire new levels of accessibility to your content.
Extensible by Plugins/Extensions Multiple languages Community based Development API Custom templates Plugin API Shell integration Custom data fields Front End live editing
Productivity Developer Tools Social Business and Commerce Phots and Graphics File Management
extensible multi-language community-based development-api content-management php web-development custom-templates mysql publishing plugin-api api web-server cms framework shell-integration apache blogging web-design fast-and-easy-setup content-management-framework cmf custom-data-fields front-end-live-editing jquery php-script php-scripts webmaster