Hotspot Shield
Hotspot Shield is a software application developed by AnchorFree, Inc. that allows the user to connect to a virtual private network (VPN).
VPN Service encrypts your connection and provides you with an anonymous IP to protect your privacy.
private internet access provides state of the art, multilayered security with advanced privacy protection using vpn tunneling. please click on the security layers found in the right column to learn more about each individual layer.
our services have been designed from the ground up to be able to operate using builtin technology preexisting in your computer or smartphone device. the services operate at the tcp/ip interface level, which means all of your applications will be secured, not just your web browser.
monthly two years yearly$6.95/mo. $2.91/mo. $3.33/mo.
Official Website
Privacy protection Lightweight No Tracking
Productivity Developer Tools Social Security Cryptocurrencies
privacy-protection lightweight vpn no-tracking bitcoin-payment vpn-tunnel vpn-service-provider pay-with-giftcard