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Low fees, reliable confirmations, unrestricted growth, decentralized development, global adoption, and permissionless innovation.
Primecoin is an innovative cryptocurrency, a form of digital currency secured by cryptography and issued through a decentralized mining market.
primecoin is an innovative cryptocurrency, a form of digital currency secured by cryptography and issued through a decentralized mining market. derived from satoshi nakamoto’s bitcoin, primecoin introduces an unique form of proofofwork based on prime numbers.
advantages of primecointhe innovative prime proofofwork in primecoin not only provides security and minting to the network, but also generates a special form of prime number chains of interest to mathematical research. thus primecoin network is energymultiuse, compared to bitcoin.
value behind primecoinprimecoin network searches for special prime number chains known as cunningham chains and bitwin chains. the distribution of these prime chains are not wellunderstood currently as even for its simplest case twin primes their infinite existence is not proven.
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Decentralized Derived from Bitcoin
Productivity Business and Commerce Cryptocurrencies
decentralized cryptocurrency bitcoin-derived proof-of-work
Low fees, reliable confirmations, unrestricted growth, decentralized development, global adoption, and permissionless innovation.
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Bitcoin Unlimited is a fork of the Bitcoin Core client, giving the miners and users the opportunity to determine the block size limit themselves.
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Library Credits (aka. LBC) is the monetary currency of LBRY. This Bitcoin-like payment system is for content procuders and consumers to buy and monetize their workings.
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