keystarter automation software. you can make a set of 3d button icons with keystroke command scripts and create your own popup menus - clipboards or virtual keyboards.
Apple Assistive Touch On Android Phone (ROOT/NON ROOT) Replay clicks / drags in one click only.
pretouch is built to make screen touches as shortcut of a simple touch,once you have setup your touches in edit mode, touches can be play back asrequired.
features:drag & drop to move its location.color play back notification (red when it is running)root & non root supported
it comes in handy when repeatable task is required.
for root user: go to edit mode and then check the (root checkbox) check the (monkey checkbox)for non root user: go to edit mode and then uncheck (root checkbox), and check the (monkey checkbox)user: setup tool is provided at the following: http://123autoit.blogspot.tw/2016/08/123autoitnonrootdaemonservice.html
Productivity System and Hardware
automate root-required micro-job