programmers tool
Programmer's Tool allows you to set global hotkeys to launch applications, to bring applications to the foreground, to copy text to clipboard or send text to open...
Apple Assistive Touch On Android Phone (ROOT/NON ROOT) Replay clicks / drags in one click only.
pretouch is built to make screen touches as shortcut of a simple touch,once you have setup your touches in edit mode, touches can be play back asrequired.
features:drag & drop to move its location.color play back notification (red when it is running)root & non root supported
it comes in handy when repeatable task is required.
for root user: go to edit mode and then check the (root checkbox) check the (monkey checkbox)for non root user: go to edit mode and then uncheck (root checkbox), and check the (monkey checkbox)user: setup tool is provided at the following: http://123autoit.blogspot.tw/2016/08/123autoitnonrootdaemonservice.html
Productivity System and Hardware
automate root-required micro-job