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Valentina Studio
FREE native (c++/QT based), GUI manager for SQLite, mySQL, postgreSQL, SQL Server. Beats by features 20-100$ commercial apps! Enjoy. .
postgresql maestro allows you to create, edit, copy, drop and dump all postgres database objects. it is a http://alternativein .
postgresql maestro allows you to create, edit, copy, drop and dump all postgres database objects. it is a postgresql gui admin tool working as a postgres client for windows. you can also design your postgresql database as er diagram, build queries visually, execute sql queries and scripts, debug pl/pgsql functions, view and edit data including blobs, represent data as diagrams, export and import data from csv and other file formats, analyze your data summarized into multidimensional views and hierarchies (olap cubes), manage postgresql roles, users, groups and privileges, and use a lot of other postgres admin tools.
Productivity Networking and Admin
graphical-user-interface development database-management postgresql server-administration postgres