JustReader News
justreader is fast, customizable and easy-to-use rss reader client for android. there are two versions: free and pro. it supports some services for now: - feedly - http://alternativein .
Podkicker is one of the most popular podcast managers for Android.
podkicker is one of the most popular podcast managers for android.
plays audio and videocasts, handles rss/atom feeds, streams or downloads podcasts, opml import/export, google listen/reader import, recommendations based on current subscriptions, searchable database with over 260.000 podcasts, drowse geotagged podcasts on maps, easy, clean and intuitive ui.
* minimalistic, fast and efficient* audio and video support.* chromecast support (beta).* flattr integration.* transfer of downloads to dropbox or similar.* dedicated search engine containing 260.000+ podcasts.* automatic downloads and rich notifications.* podcast suggestions based on current subscriptions.* carmode when driving.* sleeptimer.* categories.* frequent updates.
Minimalistic Import from Google Reader Export to OPML Import feeds from OPML Chromecast support
Productivity Audio and Music Books News
minimalistic google-reader-import opml-export opml-import rss rss-feeds chromecast-support atom podcasting podcast-player podcast-catcher video-podcast