replaio - radio, music talk
Replaio is a free online radio player providing access to more than 30,000 stations all over the world.
Podkicker is one of the most popular podcast managers for Android.
podkicker is one of the most popular podcast managers for android.
plays audio and videocasts, handles rss/atom feeds, streams or downloads podcasts, opml import/export, google listen/reader import, recommendations based on current subscriptions, searchable database with over 260.000 podcasts, drowse geotagged podcasts on maps, easy, clean and intuitive ui.
* minimalistic, fast and efficient* audio and video support.* chromecast support (beta).* flattr integration.* transfer of downloads to dropbox or similar.* dedicated search engine containing 260.000+ podcasts.* automatic downloads and rich notifications.* podcast suggestions based on current subscriptions.* carmode when driving.* sleeptimer.* categories.* frequent updates.
Minimalistic Import from Google Reader Export to OPML Import feeds from OPML Chromecast support
Productivity Audio and Music Books News
minimalistic google-reader-import opml-export opml-import rss rss-feeds chromecast-support atom podcasting podcast-player podcast-catcher video-podcast
Replaio is a free online radio player providing access to more than 30,000 stations all over the world.
Freemium Android Android Tablet
Do you want to read your news using RSS & Atom feeds in the most efficient (compact grid), no-nonsense way, with no requirement to setup or use an existing service account? If you do, Heartfeed might be the app for you.
Freemium iPhone iPad
Android River is a fast river of news style RSS reader with awesome support for Podcasting. It also has special feeds creator to services such as Google News (over 50...
Free Open Source Android
Read Your Feed is a simple and easy to use RSS reader. Just try it and read your feed simpler! The main focus of this application is to show all articles in the main...
Free Web
FeedLatest is a lightweight and easy to use RSS reader that can grant you easy access to all the news subscriptions you have from various websites and blogs. It's...
Free Windows