Adobe Photoshop
If you can think it, you can make it with Photoshop CC, the world’s best imaging and design app.
Plumb-Bob is a perspective rectifier for macOS. Plumb-Bob is useful in many fields, architectural survey, building renovation, furnishing design, estate agents, and it...
with plumbbob you are able to transform an usual picture in a plan view.
how it works?prerequisites:1. a picture not too big (2 megapixels are enough), where four known key points are clearly visible.2. the real coordinates of the 4 key points. these points have to lay on the same plan we want to survey and they have not to be on the same line (not collinear). the more distant the points are and the less will be the margin of error.
it includes an internal tool to correct the lens distortion based on the lensfun© database.also an image adjust tool is included for color corrections.
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graphics photography