Moss (By Doalitic)
Moss helps you launch, set up, and monitor your Linux servers. Moss will secure your server, configure and deploy websites, issue and renew Let's Encrypt...
Plesk is the leading WebOps platform to run, automate and grow applications, websites and hosting businesses in more than 32 languages across 140 countries in the world.
Plesk is the leading WebOps platform to run, automate and grow applications, websites and hosting businesses in more than 32 languages across 140 countries in the world. 50% of the top 100 worldwide service providers are partnering with Plesk today. Being the only OS agnostic platform, Plesk is running on more than 360’000 servers, automating 10M+ websites and at least 19M mail boxes.
Official Website
Support for Docker Bitbucket Integration GitHub integration Nginx Dnssec Dropbox Backup Google Authenticator
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities Networking and Admin
git php docker bitbucket-integration github-integration cloud-computing control-panel system-administration web-server apache nginx ruby paas ubuntu php7 server-software centos development-tool devops dnssec dropbox-backup google-authenticator hosting-platform