QuickTime Player
Watch Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media clips. Whether it’s on the web or on your desktop, QuickTime Player brings your digital media brilliantly to life.
Open-source video player with the following features: - Support for libavformat and libavcodec; - Support for wide range of raw video formats; - Support for OpenCV...
opensource video player with the following features:
support for libavformat and libavcodec; support for wide range of raw video formats; support for opencv imag/video processing library advanced frame zoom with easy to use pan function useful information in status bar, e.g., pixel information useful sidebars with stream and frame information, e.g., frame histogram advanced api for frame/video processing algorithms
Raw Photo processing Integrated codecs
Productivity Games Phots and Graphics Video Burn and Rip
raw-photo-processing gplv2 video-player codecs-integrated opencv libav libavcodec libavformat video-raw