MindMeister is the market-leader in online mind mapping. Unlike traditional mind mapping tools, MindMeister allows for real-time brainstorming sessions between an unlimited number of users and requires only a standard web browser.
PlantUML is an open-source tool that uses simple textual descriptions to draw UML diagrams.
PlantUML is an opensource tool that uses simple textual descriptions to draw UML diagrams. The generator can be run anywhere within JVM and integrated with various application such as wiki, text editor, IDE, programming language, documentation generator, and others. Mostly based on Graphviz. Can render various diagram syntax such as PlantUML, Dot, and Ditaa.
Portable Create UML entities Text Based Format VCS Friendly
portable flowchart uml workflow uml-diagrams java-based chart uml-modeling create-uml-entities rendering text-based-format vcs-friendly