astah Community Edition
Astah Community is an add-on tool for your UML that is ready to use the instant you download it, allowing your UML to be quickly and easily enhanced, and refining your...
PlantUML is an open-source tool that uses simple textual descriptions to draw UML diagrams.
PlantUML is an opensource tool that uses simple textual descriptions to draw UML diagrams. The generator can be run anywhere within JVM and integrated with various application such as wiki, text editor, IDE, programming language, documentation generator, and others. Mostly based on Graphviz. Can render various diagram syntax such as PlantUML, Dot, and Ditaa.
Portable Create UML entities Text Based Format VCS Friendly
portable flowchart uml workflow uml-diagrams java-based chart uml-modeling create-uml-entities rendering text-based-format vcs-friendly
Astah Community is an add-on tool for your UML that is ready to use the instant you download it, allowing your UML to be quickly and easily enhanced, and refining your...
Free Windows Linux
WhiteStarUML is a fork of StarUML with an intent to revive its Delphi code base by updating code to recent Delphi editions, reducing dependence on third party components...
Free Open Source Windows
graphical modelling open source uml2 tool based on eclipse environment.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Eclipse
Violet is a UML editor with these benefits: Very easy to learn and use. Draws nice-looking diagrams. Completely free. Cross-platform. Violet is intended for developers...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Oqto is a powerful diagram creation and editing tool available on your tablet or smart phone. With Oqto Diagram you can create flowcharts, organization charts, mind...
Commercial Android Android Tablet
Easy diagram generator for Sequence Diagrams and Message Sequence Charts.
Free Web
ClassBuilder is freeware CASE tool targeted at the C++ developer, running on Win2K-XP. It lets you create, manipulate and navigate classes, class relations, class...
Free Open Source Windows
the Chronos Web Modeller is a collaborative tool for the creation of UML models with reporting, code and document generator . CWM offer an holistic MDA/MDD approach...
Free Open Source Web
GenMyModel is an online modeling plateforme for UML, BPMN2, Database, Flowchart and more. It supports realtime collaboration, centralized model repository, versioning...
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome OS Web
MockupTiger is a web based application that helps you to build fluid wireframes, mockups or prototypes for your next web application or desktop software. It has a...
Commercial Windows Linux Android iPhone Web
The Model Development Tools (MDT) project focuses on big "M" modeling within the Modeling project. Its purpose is twofold: To provide an implementation...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Professional business process modelling on Microsoft platforms. Instantly turn your Visio files into structured corporate model. Enterprise Explorer instantly reveals...
Commercial Windows
Free Sequence Diagram Tool Online. Clean simple interface and fast client side processing. Works Online and Offline, Scripting and Drag and Drop.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Web
Dont lose the advantage of clarity and simplicity to an overly complicated tool - the Poseidon for UML software line lets you get down to work without entanglements in...
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux
With this service you can create, save and share in real-time UML (soon many more) diagrams. You can use the integrated workspace for editing diagrams in a sharing...
Free Web