The Best 29 Plagtracker Alternatives
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A tool to check creative and technical writing for potential improvements. Highlights hard and fast rules such as: Adverbs Filler Words Passive Voice Lexical Illusions Common Misused Words Pronouns
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SEO Tools Centre
SEO Tools Centre provides SEO checker services for websites. Here you will find different types of SEO tools: backlink checker, article rewriter, keyword position...
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Easy to use! No Downloads! Excellent Plagiarism Detecting Technology. Noplag - Check Your Paper Online and Detect Plagiarism.
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PlagiarismSearch is online service that detects plagiarized content. Due to multilayer analysis, it provides an accurate checking. .
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StyleWriter edits any document. Articles, press releases, resumes and cover letters, technical manuals, speeches, ads, sales letters, proposals, legal documents...
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PlagiarismCheck is a professional software that spots different types of plagiarism: exact matches, paraphrase plagiarism and synonymization.
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SCRiBBR Plagiarism Check
This plagiarism check uses the best of both worlds. The plagiarism detection software from Ephorus and the enormous scientific database from Turnitin. Custom-made for...
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Grammar Checker is a free online grammar check tool, we allow 28 different language of spell check, grammar check, and contextual mistakes of English sentences.
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Novus Scan Plagiarism Checker
Novus Scan is a tool for teachers, editors and writers, enabling you to find text that has been copied between documents. Novus Scan will compare text to the documents...
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Plagiarism Checker X
Commercial Plagiarism Checker that scans your content and highlights snippets of text that exist online by automatically invoking Google and other search engines.