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A new way to look at your grocery shopping list. Perfect if you plan your grocery shopping by recipes.
a new way to look at your grocery shopping list.perfect if you plan your grocery shopping by recipes.
the problem: when meal planning we create recipes, with products under each recipe.however when shopping in the supermarket we need to see products, with recipes under each product.
the solution:pivotlist allows you to do exactly this view the same recipes and products, but in two different ways, depending on what makes sense in the moment.
explanation with example:
imagine you're planning a grocery shopping.you have some recipes:you would do something like:__________________guacamole avocados tomatoes onion lime juice
avocado toast sliced bread avocados extra virgin olive oil
spring salad cucumber tomatoes extra virgin olive oil__________________
you go to the supermarket and now you're in the fruit & veg area, buying tomatoes. you need to scroll up and down your grocery list to see all the recipes which mention 'tomatoes' (and when you put them in your basket you need to tick them from all the different places where they appear).that's annoying and unnecessary.
pivotlist solves the issue by allowing you to 'pivot' the data so that the same shopping list shown above can be viewed like this:
__________________avocados guacamole avocado toast
tomatoes guacamole spring salad
extra virgin olive oil avocado toast spring salad
(list continues with all the products that are part of a single recipe, e.g. 'onion', 'lime juice', 'sliced bread', 'cucumber')__________________
now you can clearly see all the recipes for which you need tomatoes.
try it out for yourself!
note:not only for grocery shopping!in the examples above we're talking only about culinary recipes, but pivotlist could be just as useful for other lists.
questions, suggestions, [email protected]
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grocery-list pivot pivot-tables s.m.a.r.t list organize pivots supermarket