Affinity Photo
Affinity Photo is a professional, full-featured raster graphics editor. Working in Affinity Photo is always live and you can pan and zoom at 60fps, with live previews and non destructive application.
Online photo editor, which can work with PSD, XCF and Sketch files (Photoshop, Gimp and Sketch App). Convert between PSD, XCF, JPG, PNG and many other formats. .
Online photo editor, made with HTML5. Open, edit and save PSD and XCF Photoshop and Gimp files. Convert between PSD, XCF, JPG, PNG and WebP.
Official Website
Open PSD files Layer manipulation Import from Sketch Color blending Kids Mode Photoshop like Sketch to PSD
Productivity Phots and Graphics
drawing image-editing photo-editing digital-painting psd-support raster-editor layer-manipulation import-from-sketch photography photo-filters vector-editing color-blending kids-mode photoshop-like psd-and-xcf-file-import sketch-to-psd