Image Tuner
Image Tuner is a free software for batch resizing, converting, watermarking and renaming your digital photos and images from more than 20 image formats to JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF and GIF formats.
Photo Batch will help you process all your images at once. No more repetitive work, simply drag the images or the folders you wish to process into Photo Batch, then...
photo batch will help you process all your images at once. no more repetitive work, simply drag the images or the folders you wish to process into photo batch, then apply the desired effects, crop, rotate, resize and rename them all and finally export them.
adjust image brightness, contrast and saturation. crop your image by percentage or by pixels. resize your image by percentage or by pixels. rotate all images at once. maintain image aspect ratio by setting the maximum pixel height or width. export all images to the same folder, regardless of where they came from. instantly rename all of your images. convert images from all major file formats (jpeg, png or tiff). preserve original metadata. retinaready graphics.
Batch conversion Batch processing
batch-conversion image-resize batch-processing image-processing batch-resize photo-rename photo-renamer photo-renamers photo-renaming image-rename image-renamer image-renamers image-renaming