PostageApp is a service that makes it easy to design, deliver, and manage emails from your application. Templates that are written in HTML and CSS, automatically...
Pepipost is the speedy transactional email delivery service that provides reliable Inboxing in less than a second — all with a very disruptive pricing model. Only pay for unopened emails. The rest is on us.
get 3 months free "unlimited transactional emails" with pepipost.
how to set up your account with pepipost?
> signup using invitation code "altto3m"> add domain and get your domain approved> get your api key/ smtp credentials> integrate with your app/website and start sending emails
website http://www.pepipost.com/?utm_source=gh&utm_medium=alternativein&utm_campaign=alternativein3m ****************************pepipost is an innovative cloudbased email delivery infrastructure that meets the transactional email needs of bourgeoning startups and established businesses in less than a second. the result? a secure, scalable inboxing system that both thrives on the unexpected — all the while delivering a consistent 98% inboxing rate that places them heads and shoulders above the global average of 84%.
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