Foxit Reader
Foxit Reader is a free and light-weight multi-platform PDF document viewer. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.7.
pdfDocs integrates with business systems to efficiently assemble, secure and distribute documents in PDF and PDF/A format.
thanks to outofthebox integration with leading document management systems, pdfdocs lets you create, edit, and convert pdfs quickly and easily. create a pdf with a single click, use text edit to make changes to the document, or convert it to word or text format instantly. pdfdocs automates the process of bundling vast amounts of documents related to a project with the electronic binder function and offers secure document distribution.
the modern pdfdocs user interface reduces complexity and clutter. the user can focus more on the task at hand, rather than grappling with the interface. it is responsive, converting and loading documents quickly into the application.
experience higher levels of efficiency and productivity when assembling, securing and distributing businesscritical documents in pdf and pdf/a format.
Official Website
PDF annotation Edit PDF Convert PDF to Word document PDF Redaction
pdf-annotation pdf-editor pdf pdf-editing pdf-printer pdf-reader pdf-conversion pdf-creator pdf-to-word pdf-creation pdf-redaction