Chrome PDF Viewer Plug-in
In version 8, Google Chrome introduced a free PDF viewer, installed by default.
PDF Reader is the one app you can rely on when you need a portable solution to work with PDFs.
pdf reader is the ideal app for anyone who works with pdfs in the office or at home. pdf reader allows you to organize all annotated information with a few taps.
you can quickly backup and send documents to your friends, classmates and colleagues via email and cloud storage services (share via android). optimizing your work quality and productivity couldn’t be easier!
key features file manger & viewing mode. fast and stable rendering performance, opens passwordprotected pdf files and more. file annotation & markups. highlight, underline, and strikethrough with color and opacity adjustment supported. freehand writing. pdf reader now supports freehand writing that enables you to draw or add personal signatures to pdfs. enhanced hyperlink tool. support to display the hyperlink with a background color. file transfer & backup. import pdf files from device folders or export/back up pdf files via the sharing feature. new document scanner. import images using builtin camera and from gallery
Official Website
PDF annotation Convert PDF to Word document
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In version 8, Google Chrome introduced a free PDF viewer, installed by default.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome
create, review and edit pdf documents on windows, mac os x, and linux. pdf studio is an all-in-one, easy to use pdf editor that provides all pdf features needed at a fraction of the cost of https://alternativein .
Classic PDF Editor is acknowledged as best PDF editor, reader and converter for professionals. This exclusive PDF editing software converts 500+ formats to PDF files. ...
Commercial Windows
Convert PDF documents to Word, PowerPoint, Excel, JPG and other formats! Secure PDFs, merge documents, add attachments and much more.
Freemium Windows
Your all-in-one PDF solution. Create, edit, convert, annotate, protect, merge, watermark, compress, and sign industry-standard PDF files.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone
This free online tool converts your PDF files to Word DOC format and vice versa, preserving as much formatting as possible. Unlike other services, this tool does not ask...
Free Web
The free edition of PDF Architect will have the same functionality like it's older brother PDFCreator (rotate & delete pages, merge PDFs etc). But it allows you...
Freemium Windows
Advanced PDF Utilities Free comes in handy when you need to deal with PDF files such as to merge or split pages, convert PDF to text & convert image to PDF or vice...
Free Windows
AVS Document Converter is an easy-to-use software application designed to view and convert various types of documents. AVS Document Converter can quickly and easily...
Commercial Windows
Aspose.Pdf for Cloud is a REST API to create, edit & manipulate PDF files. It also convert PDF file to DOC, DOCX, HTML, XPS, TIFF etc. You can create a new PDF either from scratch or from HTML, XML, template, database, XPS or an image.
Commercial Windows Linux Web
PDF Conversion Tool allows you to easily and quickly convert almost any file into PDF format and back.
Free Windows Windows Phone Windows Mobile