PDF-XChange Editor
The smallest, fastest, most feature-rich PDF editor/viewer available * Full Direct Content Editing (text based PDFs, not scanned/image based PDFs) * Includes OCR feature * View, Edit, and annotate PDF files
PDF Connect Suite is a full-featured PDF document system that transforms your Mac into a powerful PDF Office. PDF Connect Suite serves as your one-stop shop for your PDF...
pdf connect suite is a fullfeatured pdf document system that transforms your mac into a powerful pdf office. pdf connect suite serves as your onestop shop for your pdf document needs, as it provides a complete array of functions to help annotate, view, bookmark, share, and convert your pdfs into word/html/txt. overwhelmed with the variety of features? you can customize the tool bar to include just the features you use the most in the order you prefer.
we also recognize your need to do more than just editing your pdfs. want to make presentations out of your pdfs? pdf connect suite lets you present your pdf file as is without the need of converting them into powerpoint files. our texttospeech (tts) function reads the files out for you to give your eyes a break.
PDF annotation Fill PDF Forms Convert PDF to Word document Convert PDF to HTML Convert PDF to Text
pdf-annotation pdf-form-filler pdf-reader pdf-conversion merge-pdf pdf-to-word pdf-to-html pdf-to-txt