Password Live
Password Live is a generator of complex and secure passwords that you never need to remember!
Generate millions of unique strong random passwords, numbers, masked codes, pronounceable passwords, usernames, and more. Control character placement, composition...
easily generate millions of unique strong random passwords, numbers, masked codes, pronounceable passwords, usernames, and more. control character placement, composition, and frequency of occurrence. allow or disallow duplicate, consecutive, repeating, and similar characters. use words, sequential parts, random numbers, nonascii unicode characters, and even data from database in your passwords and codes. avoid weak passwords using filters. save results to excel, xml or text files, and database. generate md5, sha1, and sha2 hashes of passwords and usernames you generate. use various random number generators: basic, xor shift 128, mersenne twister mt19937, additive lagged fibonacci alf, fips140 compliant cryptographically strong rng. email users their new login information from within the program. work in modern office 2007like ribbon user interface!
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portable password-generator password-protection passwords random-number-generator random-numbers random random-number
Password Live is a generator of complex and secure passwords that you never need to remember!
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Windows Phone
It can make any number of entirely different passwords for websites and applications from a master password of your choice. You can customize the password generated to...
Free Windows
APG (Automated Password Generator) is the tool set for random password generation. Features Standalone version Generates some random words of required...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Password generator. You supply the website and a master password, it generates you a password for that website. You remember only a single master password and can...
Free Web
DirectPass password manager generates and manages website passwords and login IDs from one location that provides login convenience and centralized password management...
Freemium Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad
LSN Password Safe is an easy-to-use password manager with integrated spyware-protection. Maximum attention was paid by creation of LSN Password Safe to protect against...
Free Windows
makepasswd generates true random passwords by using the /dev/urandom feature of Linux, with the emphasis on security over pronounceability. It can also encrypt...
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Complete the forms below, indicating the characters you wish to include in your password and its length. Next click Create Password. You must have javascript activated...
Free Web
F-Secure Key stores your passwords, user names and other credentials so that you can access them wherever you are.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone iPad
iPassword Generator, create strong password for a website or application using its name and the keyfile you selected.
Free Windows
This free tool generates a random 16-character password for you. It does this with only JavaScript in your browser and does not save anything to our server.
Free Web JavaScript