Dive into your favorite content. The content reader for power users who want to save time.
Palabre is an all in one news app, acclaimed as the best user experience as a Feedly reader, a RSS Reader, Google News (Google Reader) and has gotten really good press.
news for everythingno matter which topic/blog/website you want to read, find it with palabre, and manage your rss feeds or feedly subscriptions easily. add your feedly account, find content based on your interests, or add any rss feed using our search engine.interested in reading stories from the nytimes, cnn, people magazine, buzzfeed or worldwide stories? or are your favorite websites about tech, geek stuff or video games? palabre will be your perfect news reader for every topic or blog you want to follow. our favorites are from tech news, video games and android. what’s yours?
Productivity Social Books News
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