Corel PaintShop Pro
PaintShop Pro is a photo editor with additional organizing capabilities, including keyword tags, auto sorting and facial recognition.
Paint +++aims to fill the need for a basic, streamlined, and Mac-native image editor. Whether you need to quickly crop a photo, add some text to an image, or just have fun doodling, scrawl has you covered.
paint +++aims to fill the need for a basic, streamlined, and macnative image editor. whether you need to quickly crop a photo, add some text to an image, or just have fun doodling, scrawl has you covered.
paint +++ is an inexpensive painting program for os x that can be used to teach students the basics of painting software. many sophisticated graphics software applications (such as paint shop pro or photoshop) use the same basic principles that can be learned using paint +++.
using any painting program involves learning how to use the menu bar and the tool bar. paint +++ also includes a color palette that allows the user to choose both foreground and background colors with which to work.
new features in 2.0:•transparent selection and marching ants for the selection tool•a completely rewritten text tool for pinpointaccurate insertion•four allnew tools: airbrush, rounded rectangle, eyedropper, and zoom•image resizing, canvas resizing, and cropping•countless bug fixes and speed improvements•and more!
paint +++ can open and save to most major image formats, including bmp, png, jpeg, tiff, and gif. full support for transparency is available for image formats that support an alpha channel (currently pngs and gifs). you can also paste images copied from many common mac applications, including microsoft office and apple iwork.
interested now? just download and try it!
Productivity Games Phots and Graphics Education and Reference
educational graphics