Aspose.Email for Android
Aspose.Email for Android API enables developers to design Android applications for managing & manipulating Outlook email file formats without using MS Outlook. It...
outMail providing a secure and trusted email relay (also known as SMTP Smart Host or mail proxy) outMail by Prolateral is an independent SMTP service provider...
outmail providing a secure and trusted email relay (also known as smtp smart host or mail proxy)
outmail by prolateral is an independent smtp service provider exclusively focused upon the execution of outbound email delivery for business, marketing, enterprise and personal applications.
with flexible service plans to accommodate all types of users and the service is completely global. you only need to set your outbound smtp server once regardless of location, network and isp. with a fully managed portal providing detailed reports and full smtp log data. the service supports alternative ports from tcp port 25 (in addition 587, 2525 and 8025)
Official Website
Productivity Business and Commerce
smtp smtp-hosting smtp-relay smtp-server outbound-smtp mail-relay smart-host smtp-auth