Ostinato is a network packet and traffic generator and analyzer with a friendly GUI. It aims to be "Wireshark in Reverse" and thus become complementary to...
ostinato is a network packet and traffic generator and analyzer with a friendly gui. it aims to be "wireshark in reverse" and thus become complementary to wireshark. it features custom packet crafting with editing of any field for several protocols: ethernet, 802.3, llc snap, vlan (with qinq), arp, ipv4, ipv6, ipinip a.k.a ip tunneling, tcp, udp, icmpv4, icmpv6, igmp, mld, http, sip, rtsp, nntp, etc. in can import and export pcap capture files. useful for both functional and performance testing.
traffic-analysis packet-capture network-testing packet-crafting packet-generator protocol-tester traffic-generator wireshark-in-reverse custom-packet send-packet