yEd Graph Editor
yEd is a powerful diagram editor that can be used to quickly create diagrams manually or import external data for analysis and auto-magically arrange even large data sets by just pressing a button.
Osketch is a vector graphic design tool. It's lightweight, easy to use, and powerful.
osketch is a vector graphic design tool. it's lightweight, easy to use, and powerful. osketch has many modern features. in osketch, you can use any graphic as a mask, fill a shape with multiple modes, layout texts on a path... osketch makes it easier to construct attractive graphics, such as icons, logos, app ui, etc.
main features:
? support kinds of graphics : shape, image, text, group, artboard;
? use any graphic as a mask;
? group/ungroup shapes;
? combine/breakapart shapes;
? editable boolean shapes;
? style support 5 renderer types : stroke, fill, blur, shadow, innershadow;
? apply a style to any shapes, images, texts, groups, etc;
? easily sharing a style among shapes, just by give it a name;
? layout shapes and texts on a path;
? connect two or more paths.
? drawing on an infinite canvas;
? use artboards to organize graphics;
? export to a variety of bitmap formats.