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OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing)
OLSR is a Link State Routing Protocol (LSRP) implementation optimized for Mobile ad hoc networks on devices like routers, smartphones, or desktop computers.
Osiris is a free portal creation software, in which the portals don't require a central server.
osiris is a free portal creation software. the portals created with osiris don't need a central server; they are safe, indestructible and anonymous. in those portals, all users have the same rights, so the standard hierarchies (administrators, moderators, members) of regular forums are not present, even if they are supported.
the data of the portals are not saved on a single computer; each member of the portal has a copy of them on his hard disk. the same parts of the portal are saved on many connected units, in order to avoid compromising the integrity of the portal if one of them disconnects. this ensures that a portal built with osiris will last forever.
Discontinued peer-to-peer anonymity serverless-portal-system