Simple Socket File Transfer
This utility will transfer a file between two computers using a TCP port of your choosing. One computer uses passive mode and listens on a port for a connection from the...
Orzeszek Transfer is a simple file transfer utility that allows you to send larger files to anyone with a web browser without using buggy IM file transfers.
orzeszek transfer is a simple file transfer utility that allows you to send larger files to anyone with a web browser without using buggy im file transfers.
orzeszek transfer works as a simple http server that serves only the files you have explicitly specified. when you add a file, it creates a url that you can send to anyone who has a web browser or a download manager. they can then download that file directly from you.
it’s a convenient way to transfer larger files without using an intermediary. and it supports resuming broken transfers and multipart transfers, so long as the client does.
to use orzeszek transfer, you’ll need to forward an external port, 30000 by default, to your local ip address. your external ip address is detected automatically, though you can override this behaviour if you want. orzeszek transfer does not support upnp.
Portable Send Big files Send files
Productivity Security File Sharing
portable file-transfer send-large-files transfer-files http-server send-files