S3.Google Translator
Translation of selected text, introduced by a phrase or a fully web-site from any language to any language.
OpenMaTrEx is a free/open-source (FOS) example-based machine translation (EBMT) system. It is based on the marker hypothesis.
openmatrex is a free/opensource (fos) examplebased machine translation (ebmt) system.
it is based on the marker hypothesis. it comprises a markerdriven chunker, a collection of chunk aligners, and two engines: one based on the simple proofofconcept monotone recombinator and a mosesbased decoder. openmatrex is a fos version of the basic components of matrex, the datadriven machine translation system designed by the machine translation group at the school of computing of dublin city university.
Productivity Education and Reference
language-translation machine-translation ebmt