Windows 10
Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system released by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems To encourage its adoption, Microsoft announced that during its first year of availability, Windows 10 would...
openmamba GNU/Linux is a ready-to-use operating system for netbooks, notebooks, desktop and server personal computers. It comes with a plenty of software programs for...
openmamba gnu/linux is a readytouse operating system for netbooks, notebooks, desktop and server personal computers.
it comes with a plenty of software programs for office, multimedia, internet, games and much more and it is free software, so you have the freedom to download, use, modify and copy it.
it is maintained by mambasoft and opened to the contributions of a community of developers and open source software fans.
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities
linux-based linux-operating-systems operating-system gnu