Nest Mobile
Control your home's temperature from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with the Nest Mobile app. Last-minute trip? Change the temperature from the ski slopes. Coming home early to a cold house? Turn up the heat on your way.
"empowering the smart home" - vendor and technology agnostic open source home automation.
openhab is a javabased opensource home automation platform that integrates and combines a vast range of different smart home systems and technologies into one single solution.on top of the unified abstraction layer all connected devices are available for the overarching automation rule engines and different user interfaces.
supported products
over 200 specific addons provide support for brands, devices, technologies and communication protocols. examples are zwave, philips hue, amazon echo, chromecast and sonos. discover all available addons and supported devices and/or functions at: http://docs.openhab.org/addons/bindings.html • home automation solutions: zwave, enocean, netatmo, homematic, insteon, ...• lighting: philips hue, ikea trådfri, lifx, lutron, milight, ...• heating: max!, nest, vitotronic, heatmiser, ...• home entertainment: samsung tv, lg tv, sonos, pioneer avr, squeezebox, kodi, plex, ...• security: zoneminder, dsc, ...• open protocols: http, tcp/udp, mqtt, serial, ...• special usecases: minecraft, tesla car, weather services, ...• ...
Official Website
Privacy focused IFTTT integration Community based Multiple protocols Modular System Chromecast support Alexa integration Multiple protocols support Support for multiple vendors Philips Hue Z Wave MQTT HomeKit integration Support for KNX Nest integration Support for Xiaomi MiHome Support for ZigBee
privacy-focused ifttt-integration community-based java-based multi-protocol modular-system chromecast-support home-automation alexa-integration internet-of-things multiple-protocols-support asterisk multivendor iot-platform mqtt smart-home philips-hue z-wave smart-devices vdr connected-home homekit-integration knx nest-integration xiaomi-mihome-support zigbee-support