STDU Viewer
Are you tired from many viewers one for each document? Do you want to have, one program for all your technical documentations, scientific books and so on? Do you want to have program, which fast opens files, fast loads pages and fast...
Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc.
Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc.
Okular combines the excellent functionalities with the versatility of supporting different kind of documents, like PDF, Postscript, DjVu, CHM, XPS, ePub and others.
Okular is a Free Software PDF reader.
PDF annotation Tabbed interface Fill PDF Forms
pdf-annotation tabbed-interface pdf pdf-form-filler pdf-reader chm-viewer djvu-viewer epub-reader xps document-viewer djvu postscript ps-viewer tiff tiff-viewer epub kde odf