Google Keep
Google Keep has several features including color coding notes, inserting images, creating lists, geo-fencing, shareable notes, and search by color.
A fork of the original Notational Velocity with some additional features and interface modifications.
nvalt is a fork of the original notational velocity with some additional features and interface modifications by brett terpstra and elasticthreads.
nvalt additional features
autopairing and selection wrapping for brackets and quotes ([],(),"",'')pin a note to the preview while editing other notesshortcut (cmdshiftl) for inserting [[links]]better multimarkdown 3 support (if installed locally)right to left supportexternal editor support improvedsimplenote tag sync1textile and (multi)markdown support with preview window (hold down control to view temporarily)html source code tab in the preview window for fast copy/paste to blogs, etc.unique interface design changescustomizable html and css files for the preview windowsocial note sharing via peggdconvert imported urls to markdown, and optionally strip excess content with readabilitymultinote tagging with autocompletionfullscreen mode (requires os x 10.5 or higher)optional menubar and menubaronly modescolor schemesblack/whitelowcontrastuser customizablecollapse/expand notes list and search fieldimproved readability with optional width limit and marginsreally cool scrollbarsword count (hold down option to view temporarily)working localizations (french, german, portuguese)
Official Website
MarkDown support Integrated Search Sync with Simplenote
markdown-support note-taking integrated-search markdown sticky-notes simplenote-sync simplenote