Windows 10
Windows 10 is a personal computer operating system released by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems To encourage its adoption, Microsoft announced that during its first year of availability, Windows 10 would...
NixOS is a GNU/Linux distribution that aims to improve the state of the art in system configuration management. In existing distributions, actions such as upgrades are...
nixos is a gnu/linux distribution that aims to improve the state of the art in system configuration management. in existing distributions, actions such as upgrades are dangerous: upgrading a package can cause other packages to break, upgrading an entire system is much less reliable than reinstalling from scratch, you can’t safely test what the results of a configuration change will be, you cannot easily undo changes to the system, and so on. we want to change that.
more social network pages for nixos:google+ (unofficial): https://plus.google.com/communities/113182864761473463138
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities
linux-operating-systems configurable operating-system unix gnu-linux unix-like purely-functional