Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It’s superfast, simple and free. It is like SMS, but more powerful. .
Nimbuzz offers limited availablility free calls and limited availability free text messaging for users via 3G and WiFi. Calls to other Nimbuzz users are free. PAY to call mobile or landline phones for as little as $0.
nimbuzz offers limited availablility free calls and limited availability free text messaging for users via 3g and wifi. calls to other nimbuzz users are free. pay to call mobile or landline phones for as little as $0.02/minute in bulk with nimbuzzout. free sip to sip calls.
with nimbuzz, you can import friends from popular networks (yahoo!, msn messenger, aim, icq, googletalk, facebook, myspace, hyves) and sip voip accounts. be sure you have their permission first!
Official Website
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Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It’s superfast, simple and free. It is like SMS, but more powerful. .
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SeaFour.club is a socket webchat supporting aesthetic username customization and stylized messages using a markup language similar to 'LISP', and supports a multitude of alternative clients. .
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