The merge of convenience and cool! Hovercraft! is a tool to make impress.js presentations from reStructuredText.
Niftio is a new presentation platform that aims to help any presenter master the art of presentations from the moment he creates the slides to the moment he gets off the stage.
niftio is a new presentation platform that aims to help any presenter master the art of presentations from the moment he creates the slides to the moment he gets off the stage. niftio’s designermade presentation templates paired with its content library make the creation of the slides fun and easy, while the smart pointer and the audience q&a helps the presenter achieve that professional and confident look. product features:· rich content library: designer made templates, predefined layouts, thousands of highquality images, shapes and easily customizable charts.· smart pointer: allows the presenter to use any mobile device as a wireless presenter, follow presenter notes and keep track of time.· audience q&a to engage better with his audience and get feedback and questions in real time.· analytics: the google analytics integration allows you to see advanced statistics about your audience.
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offline-access presentation custom-templates presentation-maker create-pdf analytics audience-response audience-response-system feedback-tool templates audience-engagement audience-interaction audience-voting html5-presentation html5-presentation-tool in-app-voting powerpoint-templates presentation-templates presentation-to-pdf questions-and-answers remote-control wireless-presenter