Social Frame
Digital photo frame + Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, RSS). Syncs Facebook and Twitter photos. Maximize your tablet usage! You can now use your tablet when you are not using your tablet.
nextgen reader is the fastest http://alternativein .
nextgen reader is the fastest feedly client for windows phone and windows 8 (coming soon) with powerful features:
clean, beautiful & simple design, inspired from windows phone with offline mode, multiple live tiles, image caching and a lot more.
dynamic subscriptions hub with featured section to find latest and popular feeds.
always read full articles without clutter (powered by readability, instapaper or google mobilizer).
watch youtube videos, share to social networks like twitter, facebook, etc.
easily save articles to instapaper, read it later & readability for offline reading.
oh, and don't forget to customize with tons of options available in settings.
Productivity Social Books News
read-later rss rss-feed-reader share-on-facebook share-on-twitter share-news instapaper feedly-client offline-reading