outlook.com, part of office online (not to be confused with microsoft office outlook ), is a webmail service from microsoft, successor of hotmail. outlook.
European, full and secure mail system: antispam, automatic sorting, webmail, mobile app, OpenPGP encryption. Choice of e-mail address in the following domain names:...
european, full and secure mail system: antispam, automatic sorting, webmail, mobile app, openpgp encryption.
choice of email address in the following domain names: netc.com, netcourrier.com, netc.eu, netc.fr, netc.fr, netc.be, netc.lu, netc.lu, netc.nl, netc.it, netc.it, netc.es, netc.cat, netc.pl, netc.pl, netc.ca, netcmail.com, francemel.fr, europamel.net, africamel.net, brusseler.com, emailasso.net, inmano.com, lavache.com, monemail.com, perso.be, mailo.com. mailbox's size is 1 gb (free account) or 20 gb (paid account).
Support for IMAP POP3 Support Support for WebDAV PGP Encryption Gpg encryption ActiveSync
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